Waktu Saat Ini

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2007

Orb Union
M1 Astray Shrike

The M1 Astray is a mass production mobile suit introduced by the Orb Defense Forces during the previous war. Although it was designed mainly for ground combat, the M1 has been given atmospheric flight capabilities by equipping it with a Shrike flight rotor. Thanks to this device the M1 can now be deployed from the decks of Orb naval vessels and engage in aerial combat over the open water, allowing it to defend its homeland at sea as well as on land.

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Bekasi (Sekarang), Jawa Barat (Coba Bekasi Masuk Jakarta), Indonesia
YA dari nama blognya lu tau gw gimana kan? He..He..He.. (PD Abiezz)

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