Waktu Saat Ini

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2007


Overall length:
350 meters

XM47 Tristan dual beam cannon x 2
M10 Isolde 42cm triple cannon
QZX-1 Tannhauser positron cannon
40mm CIWS x 12
missile launchers (Neidhardt space missiles, Parsifal ground missiles, Dispar interceptor missiles)
torpedo launcher (Wolfram M25 torpedoes) x 4
anti-beam depth charge launchers

The Minerva is the first new ZAFT warship constructed since the previous war. Designed for use with Second Stage series mobile suits, it is equipped with a deuterion beam transmitter that can instantly recharge these machines, as well as a complex system of hangars and catapults for launching the components of the Impulse Gundam. The Minerva is also a formidable warship in its own right thanks to its powerful weapons, high speed, and ability to enter the atmosphere and operate on Earth. Due to an attack on Armory One the day before its scheduled launching ceremony, the Minerva and its inexperienced crew soon find themselves on the front lines of a new conflict.

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Bekasi (Sekarang), Jawa Barat (Coba Bekasi Masuk Jakarta), Indonesia
YA dari nama blognya lu tau gw gimana kan? He..He..He.. (PD Abiezz)

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