Waktu Saat Ini

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2007

Earth Alliance
Girty Lue

Overall length:
380 meters

dual high-energy beam cannon "Gottfried" x 6
75mm automatic multi-barrel CIWS "Igelstellung" x 10
missile launchers
anti-beam depth charge launchers

The mysterious vessel that serves as Phantom Pain's mothership during the attack on Armory One. The Girty Lue is equipped with a Mirage Colloid system that enables it to turn invisible, a technology which was supposedly outlawed by the Junius Treaty that ended the previous war, and although its design and armament resemble those of Earth Alliance warships this vessel appears to operate outside the bounds of the regular military. In addition to its Mirage Colloid capabilities, the Girty Lue can also be equipped with a stealth system that propels the ship with jets of gas in order to avoid detection by thermal sensors.

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Data Gue

Bekasi (Sekarang), Jawa Barat (Coba Bekasi Masuk Jakarta), Indonesia
YA dari nama blognya lu tau gw gimana kan? He..He..He.. (PD Abiezz)

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